Pre-Marital Counseling Questionnaire

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Topic: Money Matters

  1. Have you ever had a savings account?

If so, how old were you when you opened your first one?

For what purpose would you put money into a savings account?

  1. Do you invest in the stock market?

If so, how much of your income do you normally invest?

How would you describe your portfolio (conservative, risky, balanced)?

  1. Do you have other financial investments?

  2. What amount and kinds of investments would you like to make after your marriage?

  3. Do you balance your checking account every month?

  4. What are the things over which you believe are worth going into debt? (Home, furniture, home improvements, car, education, vacation, art?)

  5. Do you regularly use credit cards?

If so, how much do you pay on your balance each month? (For example, do you pay them off each month, just pay the interest, interest plus principle?)

  1. What are you current debts? (Include credit cards, college loans, home, auto, etc.)

  2. What are your thoughts regarding tithing/giving to you faith community?

  3. Do you give to a faith community regularly?

How much do you now give?

How much do you want to give after you are married?

  1. Do you give to other causes/charities regularly?

How much do you now give?

How much do you want to give after you are married?

  1. Do you see yourself more as a saver or a spender? How about your spouse?

  2. How much do you feel you should have on hand in case of emergency?

  3. Do you now have a monthly and/or annual budget?

  4. Who should organize the finances – you, your partner or both?

  5. How, exactly, have you discussed your financial situation?

  6. Does my partner have some debt that concerns you?