Who is a Christian?
Merely to have doctrinal knowledge does not mean a person is a Christian. Satan has doctrinal knowledge and we know he is not a Christian. Doctrinal knowledge is important but it is not the evidence of being a Christian.
Being a Christian does not consist in feelings. Many people can work up their emotions. Feelings are involuntary emotions. The Christian life consists in obedience to God voluntarily, from the heart. Christianity is a matter of the will, not the emotions.
Being a Christian does not consist in mere performance of religious duties, such as going to services, reading the Bible and praying. Of course Christians do these things, and they are important. But merely performing these duties does not make a person a Christian, nor is it the foundation of the Christian life. Unconverted people perform religious duties. Buddhists and Moslems perform religious duties, but that does not mean they are holy, and on their way to Heaven. Old Testament Jews were strict in religious duties but God condemned them (Isaiah 1:10-16). Christ condemned the Pharisees, though they were strict in performance of religious duties (Matthew 23).
Being a Christian does not consist in mere desires. Merely desiring to be holy, to be like Christ, to live victoriously over temptation and sin, does not actually make a person holy. Many are deceived in this regard. They try to be holy. They try to live the Christian life. Because they have such desires they think they are righteous and are going to heaven. Desires alone will not save anybody - make anybody a Christian - make anyone righteous - or take anyone to heaven. Even very wicked people in the world may have desires to be holy. But when the heart is unrepentant and selfish, these desires have no meaning or value. Christianity is FAITH IN CHRIST. Apart from faith nothing is pleasing to God (Hebrews 11:6). The foundation and mainspring of the Christian life is faith in Christ. Everything we do must spring out of love and faith in Jesus Christ. We must do all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:30, 31).
Being a Christian is not getting baptized. Although baptism is an ordinance it offers no salvation. Many have been baptized dry sinners only to come up wet sinners.
Believers must understand that nothing done for self can be pleasing or acceptable with God. Selfishness is the opposite of true faith in Christ. If a man prays, preaches, teaches a Sunday school class, witnesses to the unsaved and reads the Bible ONLY FOR SELFISH REASONS IT IS SIN AND NOT PLEASING TO GOD! Nothing is acceptable to God unless our motive be pure. We must do all things with only ONE MOTIVE IN MIND - TO PLEASE GOD! A believer's entire existence, eating, sleeping, all thoughts, actions must be centered on one thing, pleasing God. This is the meaning of the Christian life.
The believer must understand that his greatest duty as a Christian is self-denial. Unless a person takes up his cross and denies himself he is not really following Christ. God the Father exercised self-denial in giving His Son. Christ exercised self-denial in suffering for us. The Holy Spirit exercises self-denial in striving with mankind to turn from sin and believe in Christ. The apostles exercised self-denial in going to the ends of the earth with the gospel. Can we claim to be Christian and not exercise self-denial? Impossible!
Christians must understand the importance of sanctification in their Christian life. What is sanctification? It is a pure and holy heart and mind. It consists in separation from all that is sinful and unholy. Sanctification is total consecration to the will of God. It is a state of entire obedience to Christ and the Word of God. Progressive sanctification consists in obeying God more and more fully and perfectly as you increase in the knowledge of God's will and Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
Believers must understand the necessity of perseverance. Perseverance is necessary in the face of trials and difficulties. Perseverance is not automatic. It does not come by our own efforts, but by looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:1, 2). Just because a person has had a conversion experience does not mean he automatically will persevere in faith. We must continually exercise faith in Christ, continually look to Christ. The Bible teaches that only those who persevere to the end will be saved. (Matthew 24:13; Revelation Chapters two and three). Heaven is the result of persevering to the end. We persevere, not by our own efforts, but by the power of Christ in us - by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
Christians must understand that the Christian life is a spiritual life. The believer should be spiritual in all things. This means he must aim at holiness and godliness - at doing God's will, and obedience to God and His Word always in every part of his life. This must be his constant aim! God only hears the prayers of the spiritual man. The spiritual man is the man who puts God first and seeks God's will in all that he does.
Christians must understand the importance of self-control in their Christian lives. Christians should exercise self-control in all things. By the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit they should be able to control all bodily desires and appetites (Galatians 5:23; 2 Peter 1:6; 1 Corinthians 9:25, 27; Titus 1:8; 2:2; Acts 24:25). Paul wrote of professing Christians who in reality were enemies of Christ. They were not self controlled. Satisfying fleshly desire was their god (Philippians 3:18, 19). The body of the Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit and nothing should be taken into the body that harms the body. Christians must understand the importance of taking Christ and the Bible for their standard in living the Christian life. The standard is the same for all Christians, whether layman or pastor. We should never make any man our standard of holiness, unless that man is perfectly following Christ and the Bible.
Christians should understand the importance of aiming at moral and spiritual perfection in their lives (Matthew 5:48; 1 John 2:6; Colossians 2:6, 7; 2 Corinthians 7:1). Holiness should never be considered impossible. Of course it is not possible in our own strength. We must look to Christ in whom is all the riches of the godhead and with whom all things are possible. The Christian should never become discouraged or give up. He should never be satisfied with an ordinary life of committing sin and luke-warmness, but strive for perfection in all things (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). Strive to live above sin! 1 John 2:1 "SIN NOT!" Our aim should always be to be like Christ (1 Peter 2:21). Our standard must be PERFECTION (Matthew 5:48).
Christians must understand the importance of letting their lights shine. The light of Christ should be reflected to everyone with whom they come in contact. If not, the light will go out (Matthew 5:14-16). The Christian must understand the importance of winning sinners to Christ. This should be the great aim of his life. Many Christians do not let their lights shine out to the world and do not witness for Christ. Often Pastors do not teach their flock the importance of being a witness. Better to be dead than do nothing for Christ! Too many professing Christians seek their own blessing but never give out the blessings of the gospel to others.
Randall Runions, Pastor
317 Church Street
Po Box 161
Clifton, Tn 38425