Pre-Marital Counseling Questionnaire
Topic: Family of Origin
Describe your family of origin.
Who in your family were you the closest to (emotionally) when you were growing up?
Who in your family are you the closest to (emotionally) now?
Who in your family of origin do you still see on a regular basis?
Who in your family experienced the most conflict when you were growing up?
Who in you family of origin experiences the most conflict now?
Have there been any deaths in your immediate family?
If so, how did they affect you/your family?
Has there been any significant illness (physical or emotional) in your family of origin (including yourself)?
If so, how has it affected you/your family?
When your parents experienced conflict between each other, how did they deal with it?
When your parents experienced conflict with you and your siblings, how did everyone deal with it?
What are any current expectations your family of origin has on you?
What expectations will they have on your new spouse?
Did your parents have close friends when you were growing up?
If so, what were those friendships like?
Did you have close friends when you were growing up?
If so, what were those friendships like?
What were your family vacations like?
What would you change about them?
What is your favorite memory with your family when you were growing up?